Sunday, October 12, 2014

Finished Object (Finally!)

Well, I said that I was going to post again this weekend with pictures of my recently finished Pointelle Socks and I actually am doing so for a change.  I also have a couple of pictures from Spring Awakening rehearsal.  Can you believe that I actually accomplished all that I said I was going to do?  Yeah, I'm shocked too.

Alrighty, so let's start with the Pointelles.  Here are some of my favorite shots of the lovelies (there are a LOT more on my Ravelry project page, however).

Can you tell I'm proud of both the socks and my photos?  Well, I definitely am.  My friend, Sarah, and I went to a park near my house during golden hour to take these photos.  Here's a shot of the park that I'm super proud of.

Spring Awakening rehearsals are still going well.  We did a lot of cleaning and refining this week and will continue to do so this next week.  And then we have a week of run-throughs and finally the Sitzprobe with the band.  So excited.  Here are a couple of shots from rehearsal.

Warm-up game.  Some strange thing that had something to do with bunnies...

My iPad ready to take line notes with my blocking script behind it.

Rehearsing the song "Totally Fucked".  That's Melchior in the middle with Herr Knochenbruch and Fraulein Knuppeldick flanking him.
And, just because there aren't enough photos in this post already, my first self portrait (that's worth publishing anyways) with my new camera.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

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